2018 to 2023 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks of Last Recommended Candidate(s)
NDA Exam passing Marks average was 338 marks out of 900 maximum marks, i.e. marks scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exams in last few years, i.e. from 2018 to 2023. Also, average marks of the last recommended candidate(s) in the NDA Merit List(s), from 2018 to 2023, were 698 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA exam).

2023 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks
297average marks out of 900 maximum marks were scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exam. Also, marks of the last recommended candidate(s), in the NDA Merit List, were 660 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA written exam).
2022 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks
338 average marks out of 900 maximum marks were scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exam. Also, marks of the last recommended candidate(s), in the NDA Merit List, were 699 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA written exam).
2021 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks
349 average marks out of 900 maximum marks were scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exam. Also, marks of the last recommended candidate(s), in the NDA Merit List, were 718 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA written exam).
2020 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks
344 average marks out of 900 maximum marks were scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exam. Also, marks of the last recommended candidate(s), in the NDA Merit List, were 707 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA written exam).
2019 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks
344 average marks out of 900 maximum marks were scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exam. Also, marks of the last recommended candidate(s), in the NDA Merit List, were 707 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA written exam).
2018 NDA Exam (I) & (II) Average Cut-off Marks
357 average marks out of 900 maximum marks were scored by last recommended candidate(s) in NDA written exam. Also, marks of the last recommended candidate(s), in the NDA Merit List, were 697 out of maximum marks of 1800 (which includes 900 maximum marks of SSB & 900 maximum marks of NDA written exam).
Our Services
NDA Coaching
NDA Coaching, in Indore, provided by Star Angel Coaching ensures comprehensive coverage of NDA Exam Syllabus as well as class 11th & class 12th syllabus. NDA Coaching in Indore, at Star Angel Coaching, starts in April / May / June, every year. Also, support & guidance for NDA Preparation is given to students till they appear in the NDA exam.
SSB Coaching
SSB Coaching, in Indore, provided by star Angel Coaching starts on 1st & 15th of every month and is the best SSB Coaching in Indore, M.P, India. Students are advised to take coaching well before their SSB Interview dates so that they get adequate time not only to prepare for SSB Interview but also to work upon their areas of improvement.
CDS Study Material
CDS Study Material provided by Star Angel Coaching has been prepared as per the latest pattern of CDS exam & CDS Exam Syllabus.
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Call us: 7024439749;
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